Home Ownership
82% Own their home
11% Own multiple homes

Vacation & Dining
85% Vacation at least once per year
43% Dine out at least 5-9 times per month
16% Dine out 10 or more times per month
87% Take weekend getaways on the Bay

Boat Ownership
77% Own at least one boat
58% Own a powerboat
19% Own a sailboat
57% own a boat greater than 26 feet
8% own a boat greater than 45 feet

Boat Usage
73% Take their boat on cruises  
45% Fish or crab
38% Take their boat out to dine
56% Spend weekends aboard

Boat Chartering
56% Charter boats
52% Have Chartered on the Chesapeake
49% Have Chartered in the Caribbean
29% Have Chartered in Florida
6% Have Chartered on the Mediterranean
34% Belong to a boat club