Bay Bulletin is the newsletter of choice for 26,000 subscribers looking to stay updated on the latest news and happenings around the Chesapeake. Since 2017, we’ve served readers the best journalism under the direction of News Director Meg Viviano, and our subscriber list has tripled while maintaining an exceptionally high open rate and engagement.

For those looking to generate leads for their latest marketing campaign, position their company as the de facto choice in the Chesapeake region, or showcase their company’s story, CBM’s newsletter should be their first choice. With readers excited to open our weekly newsletter on Bay coverage, it’s the perfect medium to raise awareness and increase purchase consideration.

Based on story engagements and demand for more lifestyle content that readers love in Chesapeake Bay Magazine, CBM expanded our email newsletter offerings to include a series of lifestyle-focused newsletters, sent to subscribers on Fridays beginning in January 2023. These emails center around Bay Boating, Bay Living and Bay Places.


Subscribers                         26,000
Average Open Rate         52%
Average Click Rate           16-20%
Monthly Email Sends     200,000