Communication between CBM and clients occurs mostly through email. Salespeople, production and administrative staff, and accounting personnel will reach out for advertising artwork or materials and send invoices via email. It’s most important to provide CBM with a current, active address.



Payments for advertising must be paid prior to distribution of media, unless CBM has agreed to provide credit. If credit terms are extended the payment is due by the date(s) agreed upon in advance, and specified on the invoice. Interest and charges for late payments may occur.

All invoices are sent via email, and we request payments be made electronically by bank draft, Electronic Funds Transfer, ACH or credit card



Finished artwork (camera-ready) must be provided to CBM before the production deadline for the media where it is to be placed, and in the format and quality advised by CBM. Failure to do so may result in the advertisement not being run or not being run in the position requested or may affect the quality of the ad.

If advertising artwork (or appropriate changes to existing artwork) is not provided before the production deadline, CBM may run previously supplied artwork or an appropriately modified version of previous artwork.

Creative services to design advertising is available at a reasonable cost. Advertisers submitting unfinished artwork may incur a fee for these services.


Every effort will be made to accommodate requests for the positioning of full page (print) ads, however they are not guaranteed except on covers. There are no guarantees for the positioning of fractional ads. 


CBM's liability in running advertising is limited to refunding the price of the services in respect of which the breach occurred, or to providing the services again.